How do you clean your house like a pro?

How do you clean your house like a pro? We’ll show you how!

When you’re new to cleaning, it can sometimes feel like the entire house is a giant mess. Don’t get discouraged! After all, it’s not the cleaning that’s supposed to be fun, it’s the tidying up that’s supposed to be. We’ll show you how to tidy up the surfaces in the kitchen (including the counters!), bathrooms, and living spaces.

Don’t throw your sponge in with the dishes while they dry, because your sponge is supposed to get stiffer with time. If you have a dishwasher, you can always try my favorite trick to get rid of the dishes: I use a damp cloth to wipe them down with, then use the sponge to wipe them down with another damp cloth. It’s amazing how quickly you can get rid of a stinky sponge once you learn how!

When you’re on a roll getting grocery shopping done, don’t stop until you’ve cleaned every room in the house. You may have to stop twice to take all the items out of the reach of your cleaning tools, but it’s far better than having to stop and clean each item one more time.

When you’re on a roll getting grocery shopping done, don’t stop until you’ve cleaned every room in the house. You may have to stop twice to take all the items out of the reach of your cleaning tools, but it’s far better than having to stop and clean each item one more time.
As it turns out, cleaning the house calls for more than just the application of a single, universally-accepted cleaning tool – it calls for using multiple, reliable tools to achieve the same result. That’s why nearly every professional housekeeper uses a multipurpose cleaning toolkit, complete with specialized chemicals and cleaning tools.
How to Clean It Well:  
Know where your hard work is going. That could be on a desk, in a meeting, or in the laundry room. The important thing is to make sure you’re not neglecting any areas of the kitchen that could be used for cooking or baking. Know which areas you plan to start and finish your cleaning throughout the week.
Once you have this information, you can start planning for your weekly clean. Once you’ve done this, you can start planning for your monthly clean as well.

How to Clean It Well:  
Plan for everything.

Our experts tell us how.