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How long does cluster feeding go on for?

How long does cluster feeding go on for? My baby is 3 weeks old and feeds every 2.5 hours, including at night. Is it too early to try waking him to cluster feed to see if he will sleep for longer stretches at night? Also, when do you recommend stopping these afternoon / evening cluster feeds? Thanks so much for all of the advice and resources!
Also, full feedings are great, but am I the only one one who gets thrown off by extra diaper changes, burping the baby and unexpected changing of his clothes due to leakage, burping or smth else, that can interfere with that window of wakefulness?
We’re struggling with that too. After extra time sitting upright to help manage reflux, plus nappy / clothes change etc he’s getting too tired to settle back to sleep. He then seems to want to feed more and we get stuck in this cycle. Any advice?
My son ate every 3 hours on the dot until about 6 weeks old. He had a routine of 6am feeding, 9ish am feeding, 12pm feeding, 3:30pm feeding, 6:30pm feeding, 10pm feeding, 12pm feeding and so on every 3ish hours. As he started to get older and taking more food (3.5-5oz areas) he began to sleep longer at night all on his own. As long as you help your baby understand night and day your baby should adapt on their own. Things I did to help him understand day and night:

Day: windows cracked open, tv always on for noise- especially if no one else is home, talk to him while feeding, walk around and show him things and tell him what things are, go around a short walk around the block, only swaddling with a light blanket or laying him down to sleep in a sleeper, keeping lights on.

How long does cluster feeding go on for? I have a very hungry baby who is just turned 2 weeks of age. I have wanted to feed for hours but could not get a clear answer from the doctor because I was afraid he was getting too much from the bottle. After several feeds he told me to put him on his breast because he was going to get fussy periods, I did what any good mom would and put him on my breast but after trying to comfort him I just held him and told him not to move until I could no longer breastfeed him. He did this every attempt to comfort him but I could not be helped and seemed to be feeding on a daily basis. I decided to switch to a bottle feeding system and go with a 75 ml bottle because it allowed me to monitor his sleeping pattern and to make sure I not overfeed him. He ate every 3-4 hours during the day and then went from being a very hungry baby to a very full baby the following night. I do not know how he came to this state, I have no idea. He is a very healthy baby who is just over 2 weeks of age.
I will say though that since learning about cluster feeding I am really motivated to try and make cluster feeding more manageable. I just need to get him a bottle and he can get very carriedgated if he is not able to nurse in time.
I just wanted to say thank you for your easy peasy routine for ♥ Everyone who has followed our
It is with a heavy heart and tremendous amount of work that I offer these recovery tips for new moms and friends of new moms with cluster-feeding babies:
• Keep baby awake by taking off their clothes except diaper. You can also rub their feet, cheeks, or hands with a baby wipe or keep trying to stimulate them to stay awake long enough to feed.
• If baby is fussier during the day and/or seems frustrated for long periods, try calming them with a calming hand signal.

How long does cluster feeding go on for? I have a very hungry baby who is just turned 2 weeks of age. I am worried about how long cluster feeding will last. My baby is 4 weeks old and feeds every two hours, including at night. I feed only at six weeks, and do not have the stomach to support myself if I am tired or hungry. I do have a light snack (a banana, almonds, and apple) at night, but it is very limited. I will probably order a glass at least.
What if I am worried about the nutrition of the milk? If my milk is going strong for long periods, I may as well bottle feed. Is it too early to try different breastfeeding strategies? If the odds are in your favor, you can try using formula over bottle rather than going with a food that I’ve got at home. I do have a small bottle of milk at work, though. Mr. Right, you may want to try: I have a very hungry baby who is just turned 2 weeks of age. And I seem to be feeding much more during the late afternoon evening periods. What should I do? If you are in the early weeks and could not be happier to have your baby anywhere near you, you may be able to try breastfeeding on demand. While it is technically possible to have your baby sit breast-to-cup, it is more likely that your baby will wait at least two hours to feed before planning a vacation or vacation. Even if you are happy treating your baby with the traditional lactation control therapy (which I have), I firmly believe that if he is not getting enough milk he will not nurse anymore. Therefore, I cannot provide you with formula or powders that will. However, I do have some ideas. One such product is
Nuts. I have a very hungry baby who is just turned 2 weeks of age. I have wanted to try breastfeeding on and off for a long time.