Is the app VSCO free?

Is the app VSCO free?  If not you might soon and you’ll be like me, wondering, what the heck is VSCO?  After all, why not use the app VSCO to create your own filters and edit them in the VSCO editor?  Since my last update, the VSCO editor has been updated to version V3.0, and the filters have been re-archived.  The new version of the app just came out, so I hope it’s good!  The only other thing that’s slightly confusing is that the VSCO store now features a 3rd-party app, called VSCO Cam, which I didn’t know existed.  I did a quick search and found out that VSCO Cam is actually a collaboration between VSCO and photographer
I did a quick search and found out that VSCO Cam is actually a collaboration between VSCO and photographer
VSCO allows you to create beautiful photo collages from simple shapes and cuts.  The app was launched in 2012 by Visual Supply Company.  They also sell presets (collections of filters for editing) for use in photo editing software programs.
’s filters can be edited in a number of ways.

Is the app VSCO free?
 ” VSCO is a great app for editing photos and for B2B marketing.  It is very easy to use and understand.  The only thing that frustrated me was that the help system was only for those who already knew how to use a Mac app.  I didn’t realize that’s’ limitation until later in the year when I tried to install VSCO on my iPhone and couldn’t.  I also didn’t realize that VSCO only supported a limited range of filters, and that’s because I hadn’t tried that filter yet.  Some features, like hiding filters, won’t be available until later this year.  And, because of how much Instagram is dominated by “friends” and family, VSCO may not be as relevant to you.
VSCO is a worthy alternative to the leading social photo networks, which tend to cause angst about likes and negative comments. Unlike those, it doesn’t show like counts or allow comments. Its simple design nevertheless brings powerful tools and an appealing web-sharing experience to the table.

Is the app VSCO free?  Nope.  VSCO  is  a paid-for option,  and  the  experience is  much  curated.  The company behind the app has  written about their passion for photography, and their hope that others would as well.  They’ve created a platform on which anyone can share and learn from their tips and tricks, without the barriers that often accompany the creation of online profiles.
VSCO is a worthy alternative to the leading social photo networks, which tend to cause angst about likes and negative comments.  It’s less about sharing and more about sharing honestly.  The threat of legal action if you don’t share fairly is real, but there’s no way to make a profile private.  Anyone can follow you if they happen upon one of your photos.  This is a great way to learn more about a subject you’ve taken while hiking, biking, or just browsing the web.  
While there is no direction interaction within the app, you can easily share a photo from VSCO to other networks for that social commentary.  This can be done directly from the app using the app’s sharing options.