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What is the coldest month in Canada?

It depends on your geographic location in our great, vast country. For the first 33 years of my life, I lived in Saskatoon, but I’ve seen every kind of winter there can be. I’ve even walked in the snow. It’s a beautiful place to live and do business.

What is the coldest month in Canada?
The coldest monthly temperature in Canada was February 1908, at —41.3 °C. That was also the coldest temperature recorded at an airport. At the airport, the lowest monthly temperature was —41.2 °C (−33.2 °F) in January 1955.
Why is it so cold in Canada?
It all depends on your geographic location in our great, vast country. For the first 33 years of my life, I lived in Calgary. I’ve seen every kind of winter there can be. Hallowe’en is usually a good barometer for how the winter will go. I remember Trick or Treating many years as a kid wearing snowpants, and a few in considerable warmer temperatures. There were cold snaps of -31.3 °C (39.2 °F) in October 1997 and January 2005. There were no more than three or four days of snow on the ground each winter, usually followed by rain.
I live in Saskatoon, and this is one of the coldest places on Earth during winter. We get snow and freezing temperatures beginning in October and running into April.

What is the coldest temperature at the airport? What is the coldest windchill? What is the coldest non-frozen precipitation? How cold is it to be outdoors? Where is the coldest temperature in Canada? How do I get around?
The coldest temperature recorded in Canada? A wintry 12°C (−31.4°F) at the airport in
Where was the coldest temperature recorded?
At the airport, the lowest monthly maximum temperature was −31.3°C (−24.3°F) in January 1961. The lowest
The coldest temperature recorded in a Canadian city? A cold snap hit the area in January 2013, when temperatures dipped to —40°C (22°F) with windmills going much lower and lasting for weeks at a time. The city was also hit by record snowfall totals, with over 1,070 millimetres (42.1 inches) falling.

What is the coldest windchill? What is the coldest temperature in Canada? What is the coldest non-frozen precipitation? What is the coldest temperature in Canada? What is the coldest temperature in a place — °C (31.