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Can a 2 year old sleep in a bed?

Yes, a 2 year old can sleep in a bed. But it is very rare, if ever, for a 2 year old to sleep in a bed with a toddler. Toddlers love company and cuddles, and family members are often too tired to do anything about it.

Can a 2 year old sleep in a bed? 
This is a very common question I get asked all the time. The short answer is that there is no right way to sleep at 2 years old, and there never will be.  It all depends on your daughter, and your own personal preferences. 
The long answer starts at around age 2. Most toddlers are still growing physically and mentally. By age 2, your toddler is beginning to feel secure and secure with people he trusts. He is beginning to form his own opinions about the world, himself, and others. These opinions can be negative, but they are not uncommon. Your toddler is growing into a strong, independent young adult. His opinions are valid, and they will continue to be valid no matter what he does or doesn’t do next.

Can a 2 year old sleep in a bed? Yes, but only if he’s old enough to sleep safely in his own bed. If he’s not old enough to sleep in his own bed, and you’re still trying to find a solution, talk to your pediatric sleep specialist about how to safely and effectively adapt his current setup to his new sleeping environment.

“For example, you may want to transition him to a twin bed or a single bed with a side rail to help him climb out of the crib if he’s old enough to do so. Or, you may decide to keep him in there as he’s very much a part of your family now. While he’s not a huge sleeper, he’s getting there. You may also want to keep him in there until he’s 40 months old, at which time he will be old enough to sleep in his own bed.
If you’re still trying to find a solution, and you’re not sure if you’re getting the job done, then I hope we can help you find a solution that will work for you both. I’ve been working in this field for over 25 years, and I’m here to say that it’ll definitely work for you.
Out with your toddler. It’s okay if he stays in there for a while, just as long as you don’t make him stay in there for more than an hour. The longer he stays in there, the better chance he has of sleeping through the night.