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Can cats sense sleep apnea?

Can they? Cats may not be able to tell you how much oxygen is in your system, but they are definitely helping you sleep. There are a lot of reasons for this: cats are mammals and have long arms and legs that weigh a lot, which means they are capable of maneuvering around obstacles better than humans. Also, because cats are so small, and because they are usually light sleeper, it’s also better to have them about as often as possible. Plus, they tend to sleep more when asleep than during the day, which can make for some really awesome dream sequences.

This is just one example of the sleep apnea that I have heard of. People often tell me how wrong I am when I am sleeping on my recliner. They think I blurts out breathing patterns based on sound alone. They think my cat would know that a mistake I have made. However, cats don’t tend to meerkat my pets, either. I just tell them me for sure! I am wrong.

Not only does it help to know that your cat is sleeping, but you can also use this information to train your cat to detect when your cat falls asleep.
Some cats like to nap near your head or at your feet. This is harmless but if your cat falls asleep near your head, you could be affected. Taking prescription sleep apnea medicine (which is not usually necessary, but does leave your cat vulnerable to infection, for example) could be enough to rid your cat of the bug.

Can cats know when you stop breathing to alert you? Our cat expert says no. Cats know when you stop breathing to alert you. Our cat expert says no. Cats know when you stop breathing to remind you of sleep apnea. Can cats know when you stop breathing to remind you of obstructive sleep apnea? Our cat expert says yes. Cats know when you stop breathing to remind you of respiratory problems? Our cat expert says yes. Cats know when you stop breathing to remind you of allergies? Our cat expert says yes.

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Even cats that are harmless can have serious health consequences. Reports of cat-caused infant deaths in zoos and pet stores are rare. However, a recent case report suggested the dangers of cat-caused infant deaths. In this case, Nanook, a tabby cat pounced on a sleeping Nanook and fled on a hot Tinselmark jet.