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Does Canada have a single payer system?

Does Canada have a single payer system? I mean, the federal government has no business subsidizing the provincial health insurance system. And so the federal government is protecting the interests of the provinces. The federal government doesn’t have the luxury of saying, “Well, let’s do this jointly.” The federal government doesn’t have the luxury of say, “Well, let’s do something similar for Saskatchewan and that would be a little different. Let’s do something different for Quebec.” So the federal government is supporting the interests of the federal government versus the interests of the provinces. The federal government is also the primary insurer of the federal government health care plan. So the federal government is providing services to the provinces and territories through Federal programs. The federal government is also the main consumer of the federal health care plan.
As you said, in 1984, we passed the Canadian Health and Social Transfer. And in that legislation, the federal government replaced the hospital as the national number one priority health program. So, the federal government funds health care services for the Canadian population. The federal government funds health care services for the federal population. The federal cash transfers in 1984 were for the federal health care plan as opposed to the provincial and territorial plans. So, the federal cash transfers in 1984 were in addition to federal cash transfers in 1984.
In 1984, there were 27. Saskatchewan was the only province and territory to become a part of the United Nations. The United Nations was a global body that affirmed the rights of man and woman and established principles of responsible government. The United Nations was seen as an institution by the population of the country. Hegarty believed that because Saskatchewan was independent, that independent people could fully understand the UN principles.