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How can I get my twins to sleep at the same time?

How can I get my twins to sleep at the same time?
You can try to naturally nudge them to sleep at the same time by placing them in the same feeding schedule. This will naturally make them sleep at the same time. However, natural schedule and feeding by both mothers and fathers is still helpful.
You can try to naturally nudge your babies to sleep by giving them a little something to do outside the house. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie, or doing a little quiet play time, leave the house at the same time and go do something else. Take a bath, do your dishes, do your homework, do a funny dance to entertain your babies, or even take a nap in the same room as your babies. Just be sure to check on your babies every 10 to 15 minutes.
When your babies are on a “soft” sleep schedule, be sure to check on them often. If they seem sleepy, give them a little something to do outside the house to get them excited. Something light like a pacifier or pacifier straw can help you get your babies jiggling and ready for sleep.
When your babies are “on a hunger pangs” (literally), you can help them feel good about themselves by giving them something to eat. Try serving some of your favorite comfort foods while they eat. Or ask your partner or another trusted friend to sit with your babies so you can get a break from the constant buzzing.
Help them understand that sleep means different things to different people. Your babies will have their own set of “hunger pangs” that you can try to help alleviate as much as you can. Just remember that what works for one baby may not work for the other, so you may have to try something totally different for each infant.
Yes, it’s hard to hear a baby crying and do nothing. But if you have tried everything and your babies are still protesting verbally (and loudly), you may just have to let them cry for a little while. It’s not going to hurt them and in fact, they may wind up crying themselves to sleep or calming themselves down in time. If it’s too hard for you to be in the room while they cry, make sure they’re safe and go into another part of the house. Just be sure to check on your babies every 10 to 15 minutes.
When possible, reach out to other moms of twins or multiples.