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How much rain does Kenya get per year?

How much rain does Kenya get per year?
The figures below are based on a review of historical records maintained at the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture, Climatic Research and the Climatic Research Institute. They are therefore likely to be out of date and less reliable than they seem.
Are there any national climatic zones?
There are regional climatic zones that overlap with each other, but they are all distinct and have their own unique climate. The coastal climatic zone is bimodal, with the summer months being dry and the winter months being hot. The Northern and Central Highlands are arid, with the winter months being relatively cool. The highlands are dominated by semi arid regions, while the coast and highlands are predominantly arid. The semi arid regions include the arid and arid mountains, and are bimodal with the summer months being dry and the winter months being hot.
The climatic zones overlap, but are distinguished by their topography and by the time it takes for the sun to set. The coast climatic zone, for example, is higher (984m) and more arid (see South and eastern Kenya). The highlands and arid regions of Northern Kenya are much lower (less than 1000m).

in the northern plains region. The majority of the land is arid (less than 2000m), while much of it is very.

How much rain does Kenya get per year? This depends on where you live and what time of year it is. In the north, it’s cold all year round, so you might expect less rain than you do in the south. Nairobi has a very humid summer, so the annual average temperature is higher.
What are the climate variations like in Nairobi? Generally speaking, the coast is hot and humid all year round, but there are two periods of cooler weather: the rainy season and the unseasonable winter. The unseasonable winter lasts from March to May, and is sometimes referred to as the “beach season”.
What are the main weather patterns in Nairobi? The coast is tropical, with rainfall patterns ranging from 30cm (11 in) a year to 200cm (76 in). Nairobi has two rainy seasons, the long rainy season lasts from March to May and the short rainy season lasts from October to November. The sunniest time of year is December to March, and the cloudiest time is from June to September.
What are the top 10 scents to choose from when visiting Nairobi? There are many different kinds of tropical forest species found throughout Kenya, and Nairobi is no exception. Each region has its own unique scent, so it is difficult to generalize Kenyan scents.

How much rain does Kenya get per year?
The average annual rainfall (solid line) accumulates over the course of a year, with big drops in the winter and big spikes in the summer. The thin dotted line is the average liquid-equivalent snowfall.

How many hours a day does Kenya experience?
This is an average for all hours of the day for all months in Kenya. The horizontal axis is the hour of the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the night.

How many hours a day does Kenya experience?
This is an average for all hours of the day for all months in Kenya. The horizontal axis is the hour of the day, the vertical axis is the hour of the night.

How many minutes does Kenya experience?
This is an average for all minutes of the day for all months in Kenya. The horizontal axis is the hour of the day, the vertical axis is the minute of the day.

How many seconds does Kenya experience?
This is an average for all seconds of the day for all months in Kenya. The horizontal axis is the hour of the day, the vertical axis is the minute of the day.

How many minutes does Kenya experience?
This is an average for all minutes of the day for all months in Kenya. The horizontal axis is the hour of the day, the vertical axis is the minute of the day.

The average annual rainfall (solid line) in Kenya is between 1000mm and 1250mm. The average annual temperature is between 23°C and 50°C. The average annual rainfall is determined by the Indo-Pacific Monsoon, which travels from the Indian Ocean to the coast of Tanzania and back. The average annual temperature is also dependent on the monsoon, which has a maximum in the summer months and minimum in the winter months.