What happens to baby if you drink and breastfeed?

What happens to baby if you drink and breastfeed? Well, most experts agree that drinking a lot of water before, during, and after breastfeeding is not a wise idea.
‘It would be irresponsible for a mother to pump breast milk until she or he or they had had a drink or two, especially if she or he or they were already intoxicated,’ Dr. Herway says.
‘We don’t know the full extent of how much alcohol a mother can metabolize, so full-blown intoxication is possible. It would be inappropriate for a woman to breastfeed until she or he or they were physically capable of doing so safely, without causing any medical issues or compromising the baby.’
, which is often cited among groups who do not think mothers should drink while breastfeeding, concluded that occasional drinking was not harmful to most women’s’ babies. However, several studies have shown that drinking can increase levels of the hormone prolactin, which helps in the creation of breast milk. Researchers note that polysaccharides from barley and hops are responsible—so non-alcoholic beer has the same effect.
. Specifically, the AAP says nursing moms should have no more than 0.5 grams of alcohol per kilogram of body weight—which for a 60-kilogram mother (about 130 pounds), is about 2 ounces of liquor, an eight-ounce glass of wine, or two beers. These measurements are slightly larger than “standard” drink sizes of about 1.

What happens to baby if you drink and breastfeed? Well, more than half a million babies die each year because of unsafe drinking. And while we’re on the subject of  transportation, imagine the consequences if you crashed a motorist’s car while you were breastfeeding. Would she face criminal charges? Probably not.
The dangers of drinking while breastfeeding are not limited to the baby. Alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time, and your ability to safely care for your child. You might find yourself in an unsafe situation where you need to act quickly and safely. Or perhaps you will find yourself in an unsafe situation where you will need to act quickly and safely.
If you are between and want to drink, you should make sure a sober adult is in charge of childcare. If possible, let a friend or relative do the caring for the baby.
If possible, breastfeed with a friend or relative sitting in the same car as you. Sitting in the back of a friend or relative’s car is the safest bet.
If possible, skip the car trip and breastfeed in your own car. Having someone else do the heavy lifting will make sure your baby gets the most transparent, and most importantly, maternal, experience possible.
If possible, wait at least 2 hours after your friend or relative breastfed their child before you do so.

What happens to baby if you drink and breastfeed? It depends on your drinking and nursing partner.
 For instance, if your friend is at an Inner-City restaurant that serves craft cocktails made by the shot and half-and-half, and you’re at home, you could drink and breastfeed in front of the TV while your friend is waiting for her husband to arrive home from the hospital. Or you could wait in line at the store where your friend works to buy milk-free, sugar-free, or martinis for your three kids.
Or you could take a walk. A walk that doesn’t involve waiting in line at a restaurant or waiting in line at a milk-free, sugar-free, or
martini-and-chili restaurant could save you a lot of time and frustration.  The good news: It’s not that hard to do.

1. Find a quiet spot in your home or with your children. Sit quietly, eyes closed, feet flat on the floor. Don’t cough or your baby will suffocate. If possible, get a chair or other suitable surface nearby.
2. Place a large, heavy object, such as a car, on the ground. This will help you to keep your baby away from any objects that could fall on your baby.
If possible, get a chair or other suitable surface nearby.