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What is grouping in TestNG?

It is a new feature in TestNG, which adds a group of test methods to a test class. It means that you can declare those methods as private and those as public and TestNG will automatically fill them.

It says here that @Test is the smallest test method here. @Method will be executed first, before and after the execution of @Test. The same way @Class will be executed first, before and after the execution of @Method and so on.
‘ is one more annotation of TestNG which can be used in the execution of multiple tests. It can be used to execute only a particular set of tests, or a particular set of groups. Let’s begin with a simple test class which has just a few methods and which contains no @Test methods:

Now, we can run the above test class without any @Test methods:

As you can observe, the @Test methods have been executed in full force here. The only thing left to do is to attach the @Group test method.

What is grouping in TestNG?It is a new feature in TestNG, which wasn’t supported in JUnit framework.It allows you to group test methods which are unrelated to the current test method.For example, you might want to define a group “all” that includes “checkintest” and “functest”. Then, in test method “functest” you will find two groups “for” and “off”. These groups are called “spaces” because they contain test methods that are part of the group “all”.
Inside testPrintMessage()
Inside testExitMessage()



Inside testPrintMessage()
Inside testSalutationMessage()
Inside testExitMessage()



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