What kind of cases go to Crown Court?

What kind of cases go to Crown Court? How many are tried in one day? Where do they come from? And why?
The court system is very complex. You may be told what the system is, but you cannot know until you see it. The first court hearing in a new country is the Magistrates’ Court in London. There are no magistrates in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
A court hearing is something that you attend only if you are an al-Qaeda member or a whistle-blower. You do not have to be an al-Qaeda member or a whistle-blower to attend a court hearing.
You can choose to have the case heard either in the High Court in New York City or in the Central Criminal Court in California. The High Court hears the most serious cases including all cases of rape and murder. The Central Criminal Court hears the murder and rape cases.
The trial for a criminal case is the first hearing in a new country. The trial for a more serious case such as arson or rape is called a ‘indictment’. Indictment proceedings are civil trials which are tried in the Crown Court. They are not as serious as indictable-only cases but they are tried in the Magistrates’ Court.
The court is not required to have legal training or publications available to it, but people who want to can look at the court documents and research articles on the internet to help them decide for themselves which court to attend.
The court can give you a summary, one-sided, non-documentary summary. This is called a ‘summarysentence’. In a summary, the defendant is convicted and sentenced by the court. The court decides how long the sentence is.
You may be entitled to a multi-layered deal, which is, ‘ less the sentence and greater the fine.  You can read about the pros and cons of each deal here in our separate
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