How can you tell if your having a boy or girl at home?

What tea do you serve at a tea party? What is the typical menu for a tea party? I know nothing about the food or the party and would love the opportunity to host one!
What a wonderful article, Margaret. It was a surprise to know that tea parties were all about the food. Thank you for all the details. I. Love. Them.
Where does the name “tea party” come from? I have heard it referred to as “tea party” or “tea party” or “tea party” — which is as old as the word itself — but never before has there been a reason for me to call it by the more formal title. Thank you for all the information!
Where do you get your tea? I live in New York City and have to travel a lot to get my daily dose of green tea. I have several packages of loose leaf tea left over from yesterday’s errand. I have thrown out the old leaf for the new, and it is looking very good!
What can I say, it’s English! We used to have a party out every morning at 11:30 AM, but now it’s usually 3:00 PM. It used to be you served the morning tea, but now it’s you and your guests that serve the afternoon tea. Oh, and you had to wear a dress to the tea party, too? Haha!
What an amazing article, Margaret. It was a surprise to know that tea parties were all about the food. Thank you for all of the information! I. Love. Them.
What a marvelous article, Margaret. It was a surprise to know that tea parties were all about the food. Thank you for all of the information!
What an amazing article, Margaret. It was a surprise to know that tea parties were all about the food. Thank you for all of the information!
What a fabulous article, Margaret. It was a surprise to know that tea parties were all about the food.